Unit 6 Test hints


Be sure to know

All the areas controlled by the British during the Age of Imperialism and what made Great Britain so powerful around the world

Socialism- thinkers, books, ideas, beliefs about capitalism

Capitalism/ free enterprise- thinkers, books, ideas, beliefs

Cause and Effects of different INVENTIONS and SCIENTIFIC discoveries politically, economically and socially on all areas of the world (Europe, Africa, and Asia)

Why child labor was used during the industrial revolution

What was the economic, social, and political changes that were effected by the industrial revolution (reform polices)

Importance of the Suez and Panama Canal

Exploitation of mineral resources led to changes resulting from Industrialization which helped out economically ultimately resulting in a grow of trade

Vocabulary and how it affected people

Social Darwinism, Colony, Sphere of Influence, Protectorate, Capitalism, Socialism, Free enterprise