Klafta, Philip » Honors Computer Science I

Honors Computer Science I

Welcome to Honors Computer Science 1
Honors Computer Science 1 is, as the name suggests, an honors level course. You are going to have your skills stretched, tested and built up to get you ready for a future in compute programming. If you apply yourself and keep up with the work, I know you'll do just fine in the course. I am exploring the possibility of taking a Certification test for this course.
Most of the materials we will work on in this class will be via Canvas utilizing the Project STEM materials. I will also be using quite a bit of other related materials from various websites. The computer language we will use primarily is Python, which is a very popular back end programming language. We will be taking progress checks on a nearly daily basis using multiple choice questions to simulate certification type questions. On Fridays that we meet, we'll also practice our programming skills with a FRAPPY (Free Response AP Problem, Yay!)
I'm glad to see each of you showing interest in programming and I wish you the best of luck in the class.
Here is the link to our Canvas course.